wet dream or nocturnal erection or some shit
verb: dream'n-'n-cream'n
During male Pubescence, the occasional dream-'n-cream is expected.
She is a very talented person and loves to dance, she is a very flat person but a great friend they have hard times finding a boyfriend but will get one. They are sometimes a bit whole too
Alyssa N is so funny
the sophisticated terminology used to describe any two males who have slept with one or more of the same women. Usually, said women are thots, badge bunnies , neighborhood trash or from Naylor Georgia,which would group all these as a whole . It's A relational distinction. If you sleep with a girl, then an acquaintance sleeps with her. You are his peter-in-law. The relationship is one way. You would not be his peter-in-law unless you sleep with that girl again *after* him.
I am peter n' laws with everyone
crackin = Amazing
Bang= Sex
Good in the sack
Wow look at her, i bet she's a crack N Bang.
The act of pooping in a laptop and closing it.
Dude I had to poop so bad I just waffle cone 'nd in my computer.
A term often used by police in reference to them working hard and bringing people to jail. It is often used to exaggerate ones actions.
Joe had a good shift, he’s been hookin n bookin all night.
the act of "tugging" someone in public without consent and then running away. tugging being the action of male masturbation
goddamit he pulled another fucking tug n run on me