Son i'm bouta split for life this shit is slum.
Just like mid life crisis but anyone have it, you don't actually need to be middle aged. Something can simply upset your mood and lo and behold you now have a mood life crisis.
Is Alex coming to the party?
No. He's having a mood life crisis.
“Life at grandma house” is a story telling your hood background such as events and how u grew up at your grandma house , whether you’ve lived with her or not!!
Getting in trouble at life at grandma house
Getting a life means stopping looking at what others do in their life, and finding something yours to focus on to forget and stop interfering in none of your business.
You need to get a life before it is too late. Do like me and start getting a life.
A stupid phrase that is meant to be an insult to other people. It usually means when you are really aggressive to someone and you say "get a life, motherf!@#a!" And that is insulting other people.
Me: You play Fortnite? Get a life! (joke)
Him: *starts feeling sad*
begin leading a more fulfilling or fascinating life.
I know I watch a lot of reality TV, but hey, at least I'm entertained! Maybe you should find a hobby too, you know, get a life (of your own)!
The go to insult for people after a tryhard beats them in a video game.
*Tryhard kills Person in a game while on Vc*
Person: “Get a life!”