What Marine Corps drill instructors say to get the recruits attention at boot camp.
*All hell breaking loose in the squadbay*
Drill instructor: 10…9…8…5…2…1!
Recruits: DONE SIR!
Drill instructor: Hey, Eye Fucking Balls! That little bitch didn’t touch the bulkhead! Run!
Recruits: AYE SIR!
Seemingly lifeless and blank eyes, occasionally wide and bugged out, similar to those of a shark often had by people who take a lot of adderall as well as psychotropic drugs
Dude that waitress with the adderall eyes was creepy. That blank stare felt like she was bad-touching my soul.
here mate you got a "schengen degen 360 badboy back from the wan eye to the chicken peck"?
An eye sausage is a non-technical way to describe the transparent strings which float and drift in your eye. The jelly-like floating substance can form many shapes such as strings, webs, circles and in this instance curvey sausages.
Scholesy: Corr, I keep seeing eye sausages
Chris: Jeez, Scholesy, your vision must be going
Scholesy: You know, it's not a good sign seeing eye sausages floating around
Geordie term for the appearance of an individuals eye whereupon it appears that one eye is looking at you and the other at something that happened last week.
Man to person with spangle-eye: are you looking at me or the eggy stain on my tie?
It's another word for sun glasses
Dim eyes are worn outdoors when the sun is out
Clear Eyes eye drops relieve dry, red, itchy eyes. Whether or not you wear contact lenses