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by 689146 May 17, 2019


Definition 1: A linguistic thing consisting of Letters
Definition 2: Start a conversation

1: Look at these Words i wrote in the book
2: Can i have a Word with you for a moment

by BlueGDictionary July 10, 2022


Type your definition here…

Type an example of how it’s used in a sentence… Word

by Nonweeb August 1, 2024


A word. A fucking word. Why'd you look this up. Well this is all your see-ing.

That's a bad word.

Yea them down there. There looking at how such a dumass you are for looking up word.

by DumbassTeacher November 23, 2020


Word is a word that consist of a word, and more than 2 words makes a phrase, and 2 phrase makes a sentence. So words makes up everything.

John: What was that word that you just said?
Peter: Word
John: Oh alright then.

by dom1234567890987654321 April 27, 2018


A fucking word, why are you looking it up?

1:What's a word?
2:Are you stupid, it's a word!

by Nyan dog October 28, 2019


Can be used instead of "same", "cool", or synonyms of those words.
You're literally looking at words right now.

"My mom died last week"
"What the fuck dude"

by YourMomsSpaghetti March 31, 2022