Fuck head ass bitches lil dick ass niggas lil dumbass bitches fuck them fuck they ain't on shit because they gay is fuck get y'all bitch ass out here u lil fruity ass bitches
This site has some of the most repulsive words you will find, the site is usually used for meme words but who gives a shit
"I can't recover from the things I've seen on, The Urban Dictionary"
a place to go when you are bored
urban dictionary is awesome funny
I'm probably stealing this from the website (on accident) but anyway "DUDE! YOU'RE LOOKING ON THE WEBSITE DIDN'T YOU READ THE DESCRIPTION?! MY GOD ARE SOME PEOPLE STUPID THESE DAYS!" anyway calm down *breathes in and out* why the hell are you looking at this anyway? HUH!
Man 1:
"oh hey you should search ... this up on the Urban Dictionary it's funny as, nobody will stop being racist or sexist they'll always find away to be violent"
Man 2:
"ummm yeah sure thing as if i'm going to search RAPE! up on the Urban Dictionary why search something up when you've already done it yourself"?
Man 1:
*runs away in fear*.
A Dictionary where degenerates Write stupid memes on meanings, Example: (ThE mEaNiNgn Of SiGmA Is Im ThE RiZzLeR IN oHiO HeHaAhEhOoOoOo), The website is also used for actual meanings like, Example (tattle tale
A small child (or sometimes adult) that tells when others are "doing something bad", much to the annoyance of everyone around them. Often earn themselves unflattering titles), Some just use it incorrectly.
Randy: hey you should check out urban dictionary Rick.
Rick: Alright I will.
Ezekiel: yo jane you should check out the Urban Dictionary its really funny
This website, where when you click on any word, and watch it somehow relate to sex. Seriously, just scroll down and there will likely be some sex reference.
person 1: hey go search up barney on urban dictionary
Person 2: why is it talking about a sex position??