Grade-B Jackassery is a common form of "Jackassery" on a grading-scale starting from "Grade-A Jackassery", but is specifically one level lower in intensity.
"Come on Mr. Bucknell, that form of Grade-B Jackassery is not appreciated here."
"You know I was being a Grade-A Jackass, but James you can't be following my Jackassery with Grade-B Jackassery. It's just not the same thing."
"Submissive and Breedable".
Can be used as an adjective for a very slutty girl.
Can also be used for very feminine and girly boys.
Exemple 1: "Dude, this girl looks very fine..." "Yeh I know, I bet she is S&B, if you know what I mean~"
Exemple 2: "Dude, this boy looks very fine with that plump ass of his..." "Yeh, I bet he is S&B as fuck, would love to get his sissy ass on my crotch~..."
Anything coming out of Breitbart, a reich-wing fake news site, and any troll that supports the non-human waste of life Nazi trash the writes its drivel.
I don't care what nugatory b-barf trash like you has to say.
Very similar to a klug Supreme, but including, but not exceeding, 3 to 6 discusting males, so gross that even though you want to look away .. they are so completely revoting that its almost captivating. Bleghhh!
Amanda: Jen .. dont look now ..
Jen: .. whats up?
Amanda: .. freeking B-lug Supreme ALL up in this peice
Jen: AWWW shit son!
pronounced BAH-TING it is a common use for the word beating.
DO YOU NEED A b-ting?
When Was The Last Time U Were B-tinged the fuck down?