This term is used when you can not get a boner due to a situation, that makes your dick sad and soft.
Me and Suzi were trying dirty talk, that was great until she called me skinny penis , that gave me a serious case of the boner blues.
Blue balls pressed against glass
After fingering three girls, Jake pressed his blue balls against the sliding glass door, creating blue cookies...YUMMMMY!!
Another term for hangover that references a popular Canadian Beer called Labatt's Blue.
Dave: Looks like Joe called in sick today?
James: Another case of the Labatt Blue Flu?
Dave: Seems that way.
When something is repeatedly tempting you but never makes it to end. In movies, manhwas, mangas, books etc. when something is having placxe but never comes to climax in one chapter.
Blue Balling:
Fight is taking place but the results are being show in next chapter. (manhwas, mangas)
When you attend a live musical act expecting to hear a certain song along with other great songs but the performing act does not play said song.
"Fuck! The Ghost Inside didn't play "Deceiver," my musical blue balls are off the fritz right now"
When you shit your self when you drunk
That's when your in the "maggoty blue horrors"
Look at that chap down the ally ,, yah that chaps in the maggotys "maggoty blue horrors"
In 1983 Blue Chip opened its doors on the San Francisco Wharf and began serving the best cookie in the country! After 36 years they still are baking up the best and shipping them all around the country.
I just received the best gourmet cookies I have ever tasted from my financial advisor, they are called Blue Chip Cookies.