He is a popular guy and he is super sweet and he's very smart and talented. Many girls has fell in love with him he's a heartthrob in his school, Because he is cute. He has alot of friends in school and he is always gonna be on your side
Blue Yuan is a name for a very cute and handsome guy he is also caring for his friends and family
The most coolest person in the world, He is cute too, he's smart and angelic.
Many girls have fell in love with him.
I'm in love with Blue Yuan
ACTUAL blue. PURE blue. Hex: 0 0 255
Oh damn, thats blue!
Nah. It's otb blue
Blue balls caused by not being able to get out and get Grindr sex because of the coronavirus lockdown.
“Oh man I’m SICK of this lockdown now!”
“I know, right! Tell me about it! I’ve already got a bad case of the corona blues!”
The feeling of sobering up like blue balls for drinking blue buzz. THe feeling of being extremly buzzed and just stop drinking or a conversation killer
Yo last night I had the worst blue buzz.
Any guy from age 13-21 who wears blue jeans. Very derogatory.
Please don't call me a blue Camaro. Call me a teenage guy with blue jeans.
The act of going out late at night going to a quary putting a propane tank in the water and then shooting at it with tracer bullets.
Bro, u missed out on a great night of Blue Rhino Hunting the explosions were so leet!