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Manchester Evening News

like the salisbury journal but they do not moan as much. unlike the salisbury journal manchester evening news sometimes play fifa to predict the score between who city and united were playing they sometimes moan about stuff but not as much as salisbury journal

manchester evening news are actually better than salisbury journal

by big fat tubby January 1, 2023

BTS will be having new 3 member inside a new Kpop group

BTS will be having new 3 member inside a new Kpop group

BTS will be having new 3 member inside a new Kpop group

by syafinaz200 April 16, 2024

new fridge

New Icy Watch

I just got a new fridge bruh.

by OofGoose February 1, 2018

New Orleans

New Orleans, aka NOLA or Shitville. If Lousyana is the arse of the world, New Orleans is the hole in it. It is the cradle of nigger jazz, crap food, evil pseudo-religious practice, and home of retards who hate everyone who is not exactly like them.

I hate New Orleans and the f***ng Saints.

by MrDoofenshmirtz November 19, 2017

New Word Page

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by fwefff March 8, 2023

Nelson, New Zealand

Small city in the Tasman region if New Zealand at the top of the South Island. Known for some of the sunniest weather in the country, and the Sealord headquarters and not much else.

Lots of Poms, dope smoking bogans, and miserable hippie/alternative types hang about here and the small minded opinions of the locals will leave you feeling like an outsider.

Please don't waste your time and visit Nelson.

Alana: "I'm moving to Nelson, New Zealand with my son next month. Time for a change"
Brett: Good luck with that mate, I've heard Nelson if full of lowifes and miserable hippies.

by KeisterShaker007 December 19, 2023

New Dorp High School

A high school in Staten Island, New York in the New Dorp neighborhood, 3500 jerk offs and home of the 8 slc’s (sped learning communities) half the school consists of ghetto bitches and emos, and some Hispanic kids with Edgar cuts.

Hey have you heard of New Dorp High School?

by 1/3500 jerkoffs September 21, 2021