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No hands mommy

When you take a piss and don't wash your hands because you didn't touch tour penis

Friend: Ew did u just take a piss and not wash your hands
Me: No I just did no hands mommy
Friend: What that
Me: When you don't touch your penis when u take a piss
Friend: OOOOOHHHHH okay, let me try

by XxHeY_FrIeNdzXx February 19, 2016

Hand Hooker

One who gives sexual gratification to another using only their hands in trade of goods, services or monetary gains.

Hillary Clinton asked Donald Trump if he could lend her $15,000
He said $15,000 for 150 strokes for Mr mini
Trump. Deal?

She responded; I'm not a hand hooker, if I was I'd been the one sitting in the white house .

by Trudilicious December 31, 2024

The hand that feeds

Don't bite it.

Trent told me not to bite the hand that feeds.

by funwillfunwill January 19, 2016

1👍 1👎

Ole Pee Pee Hands

An individual who accidentally spills a urine sample on their hands and is so dumb someone has to tell the individual to go wash their hands.

“Did you see Ole Pee Pee Hands trip up the stairs and spill that hot piss all over his hands?”

by Wild turkey 193 April 10, 2019

One hand covering half of the face in photos

This shows that you are homosexual. Many people will take pictures/selfies like that to show signs of homosexuality

*Takes selfie with one hand covering half of there face*
Friend: hey man why you always use one hand covering half of the face in photos
Them: oh becuase I am homosexual and part of the lgbtq+ and I just show my love for the lgbt community as I am part of it.
Friend: um- ok

by Symlover36 August 3, 2022

Eyes and the hands

The art form of giving someone the looks and telling them to fuck off with the hands. Or you can say something dumb and get the hands. The eyes coming when someone says something that bamboosel's you.

When dylan poppleten came outside with his underwear on. Mikey and banks looked at him like a jack ass and hit him with the eyes and the hands and it almost blew him back.

by Michael Paulchel April 12, 2011

Eyes and the hands

The art form of giving someone the looks and telling them to fuck off with the hands. Or you can say something dumb and get the hands. The eyes coming when someone says something that bamboosel's you.

When dylan poppleten came outside with his underwear on. Mikey and banks looked at him like a jack ass and hit him with the eyes and the hands and it almost blew him back.

by Michael Paulchel April 12, 2011