A new code word for vapes while at school
Hey bro you got games
yeah i do you want to play
yeah lets go to the bathroom
a new code word for vapes while in school.
Hey bro you got games
yeah i do want to play
yeah come to the bathroom
A term to describe an extremely homosexual male.
Augh, daddy. i think im becoming a Da Game player because of you.
Hop on >insert game here< is a trend in urban dictionary. The definitions of "Hop on >insert game here<" usually about some weird sexual act.
hop on sea of thieves: slang for wanting to have rough anal sex while cosplaying as pirates.
Hop on >insert game here< (urbdic said should include the word being defined)
A guy raging a game on uno. A real life game. Example names people rage a game of uno
Dude William is Raging a game of uno. He flew the cards and flipped the table.
The NBA All Star game did come to the city a few years ago without the legislation they were trying to push getting passed, so what they're saying about the city losing it was bullshit.