A creepy weird guy who makes innocent people do a challenge that leads them into committing suicide. Over social media. His profile looks like s creepy version of goofy.
Blue Whale is a bad challenge you should never do it.
Blue Whales are the moast streamline animal in the water (this is a scientificly proven fact). Despite there size the ridges along there sides offer maximum efficiency and there fore make them extre streamline they can cruse at speeds of 30kmh and have been recorded to travel 50kmh
Person 1 "Hey did you know what the moast streamline animal in the sea."
Person 2 "what."
Person 1 "the blue whale"
Person 2 "No way that's amazing."
If it exists, then Twitter will complain about it.
Hey man don’t tweet about food, remember the Blue Rule.
if my life were a color, it'd be baby blue. usually numb and transparent color but for a tinge of soft blue, aka a mild case of depression/disillusionment. is notably evident in various places, making it somewhat thematic. can alternatively be used with ice blue or powder blue.
baby blue is that mellifluous ballad by king krule with a jazz blues chord progression in an alternate tuning
columbia university's color is sort of baby blue
my crush looks dreamy in baby blue
wow rory's boyfriend in gilmore girls is so romantic, he's a brilliant mechanic who made her a baby blue car that matches her eyes
almost transparent blue is a drug-fueled narrative of former love, existential confusion, and sensorily acute descriptions of a jaded hedonic life on an army base in japan
the cullinan dream and idol's eye are examples of large powder blue diamonds
alice glass has got the most mesmerizing pair of baby blue eyes
jessica biel plays a candle wax-coated stripper in powder blue
i used to have a baby blue underwear that was too revealing and didn't serve the purpose of underwear
one my favorite poets, kelsey rakes, likes the song baby blue sedan by modest mouse
icebergs have a baby blue color to them
sometimes we exchange our rose-colored glasses for ones that are pale blue.
baby blue is one of the hit singles by king krule.
rory's boyfriend made rory a baby blue sedan like the song, and it matches her eyes.
in god bless you mr. rosewater by kurt vonnegut, mr. rosewater's wife sylvia's ivory face turns a pale blue at the thought of ever meeting with him again.
a word from the song 'the king of rock n' roll' that is used in the show 'im not okay with this'
this definition is from ruby Allsopp
ruby sings:"ma baby blues"
kiki says:"wheres that from"
ruby says:"don't you know, its from the show 'im not okay with this'"
A cool tranquil boy. A boy who doesn’t let anything faze him, he is detached, cool, and collected at all times. Usually has a lot of friends who look up to him. He makes you want to baby him.
Why doesn’t Guillermo react to any drama? He is such a baby blue...
During a short period of time after childbirth, due to the changes in hormones in women's bodies during this complex time, many women may feel moody and depressed, but feeling like they should be happy because their baby is born. This is often defined as "the baby blues". It's like a more common, less severe, temporary post-partum depression.
Woman 1: "After all the time it took for me to finally get pregnant and all of the pain and discomfort I was put through for nine months, shouldn't I be happy that I finally have a baby? It kind of feels like I don't even want to be with him..."
Woman 2: "You're just having the baby blues. I promise to you in no time you'll feel way better. You should look up some information to see how it affects your brain and so that you see you're not alone in this."