if you have a cat that means you are more likely a boring but rich person
you have a cat?
yes....but i have a mansion
cat look at Chromebook he no like wat he see
A thing with four short, stubby legs that can run faster than you! You can try all you want to "own" it, but it is its own thing, independent in everything except food.
energetic monsters. they may be cute and funny but on the inside they are evil. the kittens are vicious, when they sleep they pretend to be angels. beware of the kitty demons. some of the many cats in the world are actually angels, but most are demons.
a kitten bit Sarah's hand right after being loved and pet. Sarah often has cats hurt her.
a cute furry little animal that can be in all different shapes or sizes.
hey, do you have a cat?
can i stroke it?
Tiny little devils that will kill you on sight but also hug your dead body. Impossible to get a read on.
That tiny little Devil tried to scratch me! Cats are weird,man