Source Code

John mcginn

An absolute brick shithouse Scotsman who playes for the best team in the world (aston villa). He also is just a pure fucking unit mate


by Avfcsotc March 3, 2022

John Willy

A British man’s penis.

After a spot of tea, I rode his John Willy.

by Brownald December 31, 2022

John Underwood

goes to sutton and play basketball
has a dog
lives in atlanta

john underwood is cool

by jundewo2815 March 27, 2019

John Grove

The act of John Groving someone. (leaving remnants of semen on another person's hair/face)

She had to wash the John Grove out of her hair the next morning.

by Kaylah Barger April 15, 2015

Ricky John

When someone jerks off inside of a Porta John in a desperate attempt to bust a nut after an unsuccessful attempt to take a girl home from the bar.

Bill: Hey Hank, what took you so long in the Porta John?

Hank: Oh I had to rub out a Ricky John real quick before I go home. I got blue balled bad tonight.

by giggitygoddamn69 January 23, 2023

John Tobin

A very drip tastic man whos very enthusiastic, He provides god like abilities to life and will enhance you as a person by 10x. But do be aware he is going to go on his 15 (if thats alright)<--(no longer applies)
also the handkerchief is drippy

John Tobin is a very handsome and driptastic fella

by Charles Wilam Shirkling Wizard February 27, 2022

John Tobin

A very drip tastic man whos very enthusiastic, He provides god like abilities to life and will enhance you as a person by 10x. But do be aware he is going to go on his 15 (if thats alright)<--(no longer applies)
also the handkerchief is drippy

John Tobin is a very handsome and driptastic fella

by Charles Wilam Shirkling Wizard February 27, 2022