Baby blue- used by select groups of southern men to describe a smooth woman. Blue being a color of calm/tranquility and baby being the typical playful name given. Hence, the overall meaning a smooth women the man enjoys to be around.
Oh come on baby blue! Don’t do me like that
Baby blue = Shirley
The color baby blue was made for Shirley just like every other color
first love crush energy celebrity crush
(idk im bored can i delete these im just tryna get woodoo up)
When you part of the Itty Bitty Titty Committee so no one gives them any love.
Julie: Adan do your tiddies fart?
Adan: bitch you know I’m flat
Julie: damn too bad. I got some big juicy succulent Bahama mama phat tiddies.
Adan: guess I got blue tiddies :/
Your Sherpa Blue is someone who bought you emotional distress since day 1, you just HATE them so bad. Even just the slightest exhale out of their mouth causes you the biggest of headaches known to man, it is astonishing on how annoying or even dumb this person can be at times without even trying ESPECIALLY when you’re already in a bad mood. and you can’t do anything about it only because of the fact that you’re just not about that life. Yet
You: My friend is such a sherpa blue
Friend: kill them👹
Your Sherpa Blue is someone who bought you emotional distress since day 1, you just HATE them so bad. Even just the slightest exhale out of their mouth causes you the biggest of headaches known to man, it is astonishing on how annoying or even dumb this person can be at times without even trying ESPECIALLY when you’re already in a bad mood. and you can’t do anything about it only because of the fact that you’re just not about that life. Yet
You: My friend is such a sherpa blue
Friend: #### them👹
The sadness that comes from living a failing system.
Based on the song off of F# A# ♾️ by Godspeed You! Black Emperor with the same name
"Why does the country keep going to shit, it makes me have the Dead Flag Blues"