Blue Patrol is a Kansas county sheriff that were hunting the African American Outlaws
Blue Patrol
When you graduate and realise making a hobby your job was a bad idea and you hate your job and / or you can’t find a job in the first place
q: "Who's that girl crying over there?"
a: "Oh, that's mia, she's got art degree blues."
The sadness you feel when a box set you have been binging finishes!
Finished binging breaking bad, now have the box set blues!
The shade of blue associated by a small community with the Minecraft content creator Shibe(Rambles).
The colour Cerulean blue is very similar to Shibe blue.
When every stall is in use and you gotta shit really bad.
After a nice lunch at the local mexican restauraunt , and a bit of shopping, I had to find a bathroom fast. I had a bad case of the shithouse blues when I noticed all the stalls were occupied in the food court restrooms.
when your brain fabricates a memory that was never real.
- i swear i saw a blue bee when i was a kid
- those don't exist here. you're experincing the blue bee effect
It happens when your brain fabricates a memory that never really existed.
I remember seeing a blue bee when i was little but turns out those don't exist. I experiences the blue bee effect