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live laugh love mom

somebody, typically a southern mom, who loves the phrase live laugh love unironically, and they use it day to day. they also typically buy merchandise associated with it.

amy and lauren recently went on a trip to hobby lobby, and bought a live laugh love pillow. they would later bring this back to their house, where their kids made fun of them, calling them live laugh love moms

by paeudonym1994 June 27, 2022

this behemoth sentence is your mom

sajidsdhfkjnsvhlknvfjkgnsdlfkvgjhsdlvgsdfhjvsdlvkjsfhvgkfdkhdlgvkjsdfhsnldkgjfhsfkdgvjdfhsvultyrutoyui645tvny8658 ynrvfjsglfdhfs;flFHLDFKAJVDLFAH VLFHDSKLVFHSADFVHLAKJBHLjklhkjhbvleksghjbrselgvuhslvkfjnv;dlfkvjs;dlvijdsvlkjdsfgfdkhg df ldkjfvhsldfkjghldfkjbkfdjsghlsdvkjghlvd696969696969669696969669696969420sajidsdhfkjnsvhlknvfjkgnsdlfkvgjhsdlvgsdfhjvsdlvkjsfhvgkfdkhdlgvkjsdfhsnldkgjfhsfkdgvjdfhsvultyrutoyui645tvny8658 ynrvfjsglfdhfs;flFHLDFKAJVDLFAH VLFHDSKLVFHSADFVHLAKJBHLjklhkjhbvleksghjbrselgvuhslvkfjnv;dlfkvjs;dlvijdsvlkjdsfgfdkhg df ldkjfvhsldfkjghldfkjbkfdjsghlsdvkjghlvd696969696969669696969669696969420

this behemoth sentence is your mom

by hudfgdfvgdgnlkjf d; July 2, 2022

Step mom

That person that was completely normal until it was someone's bright idea to bang their Step mom so they could post them doing it on the hub.

Jack: My step mom is so kind to me!
Harry: Yeah only cos you bang her.

by INeedTherapyPleaseHelp June 25, 2023

Aggie Carpenter Mom

The only female to graduate the USDOL Carpenter Apprenticeship hosted by TAMU; evaluated as "being female she is a distraction to the male workers".

Employed 24 years at Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas 77845.

Terminated just before her 50th birthday for "work performance", 296 days after submitting a complaint of
discrimination with the EEOC.

Fee waiver approved STXCOURT, Alumni Judge failed to provide a court hearing. or the requested Jury trial, but denied the TXOAG Motion to Dismiss.

"Not too many women out there can say they submitted a pro se discrimination compliant all the way to SCOTUS, against Texas A&M

University, like Aggie Carpenter Mom & wind up referred to in Court documents as "Mr.O" following having been evaluated as "being female".

by ammeKO May 10, 2024

“Left your moms in the hood?”

“Left your moms in the hood?” is a term that can be used to describe the severe epidemic of fucking idiot females living in Toronto (the ‘Torontrolls’). Their accent is so fucking shit that it tops even the brummy and scouse accent, when you hear it you want to fucking kill yourself. All the women from Toronto make every sentence sound like a question.

Long story short, “Left your moms in the hood?” should be the leading reason you never visit Toronto ever.

“Left your moms in the hood?”
Yes, yes i did
oh okay

by le mule and sons March 7, 2024

Stacy's mom


Guy 1: Ayo who's mom is the hottest?
Guy 2: Stacy's mom for sure man!
Stacy: My mom is NOT hot!

by EdTheSheeran January 27, 2022

Eddy's Mom

A very nice woman until Eddy showed up. She mixes the beans with one chancla and hits Eddy with the other one. All around nice lady, who has aged horribly because of Eddy. She has taught Eddy how to sit at home all day and play Fortnite. Yet she manages to get more dubs than he does. In conclusion Eddy's Mom is a true saint and should be proud for what she has done for our community, by keeping Eddy inside and away from society.

Wow you're mom must be Eddy's Mom, because you are a horrible person. You probably call her a piece of crap.

by Bock Choy November 21, 2018