Apparently, “That’s what he said” means exactly the same as the popular sexual pun, “That’s what she said”, but with a masculine personal pronoun.
This phrase can be used when talking about one’s sexual engagement with a guy. It can be manipulated almost anywhere and everywhere to make seem even a simple dialogue or a sentence, sexual.
For example,
Philippe: “Have you tried that new recipe in an oven?”
John: “Yeah, but it was so big that I could not fit it in.”
Philippe winks: “That’s what he said.”
Slang; used when reacting to someone's odd behaviour
Person 1: I'm a monkey oo-aa-oo-aa
Person 2: What are you on?
A situation without hope. A situation considered lame or distaistfull. Mother not as in your mother, mother as in motherfucker meaning the person saying the phrase.
1:"Hey did those parts come in from UPS yet?"
2:"No we're still waiting on em'."
1:"I can't fix my car without them."
2:"What's a mother to do?"
Hym "HAHAHA! THAT! THAT IS FUCKING HILARIOUS! What the fuck are we doing? We're letting the trannies do what ever they wamt but I have ro pretend I didn't create A.I. That's what We're doing."
A phrase used to change the subject when someone who should not be hearing the conversation directly preceeding said phrase walks into hearing range/room. It is often followed by laughter.
- So are you going to tell my wife that you slept with her sist...
- *The wife enters the room*
- *Nervously* ...and then I ask them: "What are the cards for?"
when you think you are slaying but your friend tells you they don't they you are slaying. So they tell you that you can slay everything you want to slay.
"I am slaying my english exam."
"I don't think you will, but slay what you wanna slay."