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Wednesday, 26 July 2023
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26 reasons not to like rock...nope srry your just ignorant
k first of all your lame with your stupid rap...notice how rap and crap rhyme...did you ever think it was for a reason? rock goes way farther back that rap. and just cuz white ppl mainly listen to it doesnt mean its only for one audience...i know plently of black and brown ppl that listen to rock...just as i often listen to rap. the only reason its not more popular is cuz some ppl are just dumb and dont realize that its fucking hard to play a guitar...ive tried and i respect the ppl i know that can...oh and rock guys (tattoos and piercings) are fucking hott! i would jump on one of them any day...where as i would run screaming in the other direction of a b too scared theyre gonna shoot me. so what if rockers use drugs...wasnt it eminem (rapper) that always raps about all the fucking drugs he does...and i can quote a song of his well actually i think it was nate dogg "smoke so much weed you wouldnt believe that i get more ass than a toilet seat" and what about snoop dogg with drop it like its hot. oh that brings me to another point...rockers arent ignorant fucks like stupid ppl who listen to rap and think its the best shit in the world and who are too close-minded to even listen to soemthing else. and rock songs have meaning...sit back and listen to the words. all you fucking rappers do is bash eachother and make insults to prove whos biger and badder. rockers sing about theyre lives...relationships, bad experiences, good experiences, hard times and many other things. some of the deepest shit you'll ever hear is by bands like nirvana, or the beetles....just a bunch of potheads to you though right? and if you think that rock doesnt have good beats then why is it that no one ever sits at a rock concert and it actually takes soemthing to make the "beats" not just a stupid computerized machine. oh and go back a few decades and you will see that rock bands have dominated the music scence....elvis...the rolling zepplin...the beetles...def leppard...van hlaen...the beach boys...blink 182...greenday(who are definatly mainstream and have hits)...oh and lets not forget jimmy hendrix...who is black btw but he still makes quality rock music. and rap completly objectifies not saying that rock doesnt either...but its all about the "ass" and the "booty" in rap music videos. rock music may objectify but at least they also know where to draw a line and be respectful (thats why rockstars get more fucking chicks than you)so next time your gonna be so fucking ignorant as to call classic music that takes more talent than sputtering out a few rhyming words, plz just think again...k thx!
some ppl are just too ignorant to realize that there are other tastes in the world and not everything you like is always the top shit! SO DO SOME RESEARCH BEFORE YOU GO TEACHING PPL THE ALPHABET...if you can even spell...26 reasons not to like rock...idiot
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A. It Sucks
B. takes no talent,
C. only has ugly middle/upper class depressed boys who think their cool,
D. just ew,
F. most of them are butt ugly, and even the ones who get the hott girls are still ugly (pale, full of ugly tattoos)
G. the golden days of rock is over and now its only wanna be rocker ie. pop stars playing a fake guitar ( avril lavine)
H. Full of druggies who are womanizers too, thats all music, $50 90% of all musicions do some sort of drug, illeagle or not, the most famous and best rockers have all died from drugs.
I. has no good beats (drums are much worse then rap beats
J. they kill the word fashion, why do you want to rip perfectly good clothes? People would kill to have whole pants and shoes
K. If rock is so good then why isnt it the most popular music? You kno that rap is, white and black and latina and azn people like rap, only white people and an occasionol other person likes rock
L. That brings me to the point, rock only speaks to one minority
M. And their all rich boys, none of them were poor cuz how do you explain guittar lessons, and an instrument, that costs money and no poor person is gonna pay for stuff like that
N. Requires no vocal talent
O. they were the ones who brought mullets into style
P. whats his name made a porno with pamala anderson
Q. they steal all the pretty woman who should be going out with the pretty actors
R. i kno some of these reasons suck but w.e
S. Guitars are stupid and make stupid noises
T. the old metelica is supossidly one of the best bands.... that REALLY says something about rock
U. watch almost famous, good movies but makes rock look like crap THEY STOLE THAT POOR BOYS VIRGINITY!
V. if someone can get up to V in the alphebet about how it sux it cant be good
W. bad band names, what kind of band name is guns and roses?
X. no one has battles against each other and talk bout people in songs, thats an interesting thing about rap, following up on peoples battles
Y. there are hardly any female rock people
Z. all the bands that arnt on drugs are extremely gay and stupid (dont take that word gay in homosexual way just like gay meaning stupid and extremely metrosexual *quotes a line from a band you like* hey now your an allstar get your game on heeey"...... that could be A-Z
WHAT NOW BEOTCHES, if you vote me wrong i kill you!
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The ratio of Republicans to Democrats in each house who have tested positive for coronavirus as of 12/17/2020.
26 Republicans vs 11 Democratic House members, 9 Republican vs 2 Democratic Senators have tested positive for coronavirus. Who can guess which party denied the danger of the virus, denied the reality of the pandemic, denied the importance of masks and social distancing? ... 26/11 and 9/2 ... Anyone?
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The 26th day of September, girlfriends of each man are under the obligation to give them a sloppy blowjob/deep throat job as celebration of love and affection from a warm hearted woman who's close to our deep feelings.
So give your man a good blowing to show your passion to him
"September 26 national blow it day"
Female partner: hey honey today is September 26, I'd love to show you some love
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January 26, national Cock and Ball Torture day, is a national celebration in which all people no matter what age must attend into doing Cock and Ball Torture, either by using machine, hands, other people ect.
hey, itβs January 26, national Cock and Ball Torture day.
Iβm so excited for January 26, national Cock and Ball Torture day
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You type this when you have way too much free time or are way too bored.
Teacher: lets count to 50!
Students: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50!
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