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school is cool

you are a fucking libtard if you believe this

Jake “school is cool -“
Jack *beats the shit out of jake*

by LongJohnJohn September 9, 2020

St. Cool

Any person or action deemed worthy of bearing the surname St. Cool in recognition of high levels of awesomeness.

Gary: I can't believe Joe was able to kill that entire keg while reciting Simpsons episodes from memory.
Thomas: Stuff like that isn't just cool, it makes him St. Cool.

by 4shizz4shore December 8, 2009

Cool Dad

A man who loves singing and dancing around the house, loves bursting into rooms and being loud, loves his cars, tools, and food. But the one thing he loves the most is his family.

“Hey is that Cool Dad?”
Yeah that’s him washing his car again”

by Pluble December 7, 2020

cool egg

Another word for college. Mainly used for memes or if you have some sort of speech impediment. Also, if you are graduating from high school to cool egg, good job.

"I have cool egg tomorrow"
"You mean college?"
"Yeah sure."

by Nebscicle May 18, 2016

Cool invite

When your friend or someone you know throws a lit party and they dont invite you, so you go on twitter and sarcastically tweet "cool invite" implying that you weren't invited

Bre: Are you going to Andrews party?

Emily: No but it was a cool invite tho

by AwkwardCheese June 10, 2016

cool one

a beer..... Whereas "cool ones" would refer to beer, beer, beer and even more beer

It's so hot I think I think I need to down a couple of cool ones.....

by the real enar May 12, 2008

Cool Shit

Some item, event or form of entertainment that is particularly interesting. More so than anything else one has ever seen.

Oh man, that was some cool shit!

by Cam M. December 3, 2007

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