It means a interesting form of chicken in the packs of chicken which is a sister
My sister is being a big W chicken
Worcestershire sauce abbreviated. You can say "woostersheer" or "dubya(w) sauce"
Pass the w sauce, Malcolm.
Here's the dubya sauce, Nick.
Another name for a college professor, in computer science, that shouldn't be teaching.
"Printing web pages with black backgrounds will waste ink", said Chicken W.
When you meet a Megan W, You will not only meet the prettiest person in the world, you will meet the kindest person ever. She will always make you laugh, and cares A TON about others. When ur feeling really down, she is the most positive person you could possibly have by your side. She allways thinks about others and never puts herself in front of others. Also she might be the most quiet person you will ever meet.
When you meet a Megan W, You will not only meet the prettiest person in the world, you will meet the kindest person ever. She will always make you laugh, and cares A TON about others. When ur feeling really down, she is the most positive person you could possibly have by your side. She allways thinks about others and never puts herself in front of others. Also she might be the most quiet person you will ever meet.
The absolute biggest chads with the biggest fattest suckable cocks with 18 bitches per person.
These gigachads are the greatest fucking w's in existance.
Look over there, w squads rocking up with there 20 bitchs
Same as tw. Trigger warning
Wrote a new fanfic. T/w: depression, mentions of suicide