Parasitic acid is unknown and not many people know what it is, but here right now sitting my ass on my computer with Doritos residue on my fingers found out. Parasitic acid is actually found in every single gas station in existence and only is found in gas stations, it’s this weird green stuff called MTN DEW and it tastes like shit, and it’s the most toxic substance I’ve ever consumed like it’s truly phenomenal that such a product like this could even exist like there’s advertisement for this game called call of duty with this skeleton man on it like I just can’t stop drinking this but I hate it so much, but maybe it’s just that the feeling of my organs getting ruptured on the inside and my arteries getting clogged and internal bleeding going everywhere it’s just so magnificent.
Loser 1: hey wanna listen to Weezer while we drink parasitic acid aka Mountain Dew? Idiot 2: sure man I love getting sent to the emergency room!
Acid tears are tears that you cry when you are peaking on acid during an insanely amazing trip you are having
Bro, this acid is so good, look I have acid tears.
The connection of a sober experience to a psychedelic, drug-induced experience.
"In my dream last night I had acid ties, I literally saw a giant squirrel in stick figure form carving a sculpture!"
When a nigga is high af and resorts back to all 4's
Person 1: boi look at at this dude, he be looking like a gorilla on acid!
Person 2: ...