Source Code

White Andy

During anal sex, the man inserts an empty wine bottle into the woman's vagina, masturbating her vaginal fluids into the bottle. Pulling out, he then orgasms into her mouth. Allowing the woman to spit the semen into the bottle, he then forces the bottle into his own anus and allows the mixture of fluids to seep in. Allow half an hour for proper absorption.

Variation: Red Andy

A Red Andy is performed while the woman is having her monthly cycle, allowing not just vaginal fluids but menstrual juices into the bottle.

by Brendan Murray March 6, 2005

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andy milonakis

A 29 year old comedian who plays a teenage kid who is an internet phenomenon. He got his own show on MTV (the andy milonakis show) sketched by Jimmy Kimmel. Many like him...many don't...it is a matter of opinion and I quite like the guy.

Andy Milonakis goes poop just like everybody else.

by GlassesMelt July 22, 2005

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andi dyke

a dyke, typically young, who physically and in style of dress resembles a teenage boy. an attractive teenage boy. andi dykes are never ugly. if they look like an ugly teenage boy, they no longer qualify as an andi dyke. thats just an ugly dyke.

straight person: "look at that boy, he just went into the girls bathroom!"
queer: "no honey, that's just an andi dyke. look, you can see tiny boobs!"


by On Ur Moms Face March 3, 2007

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Andy Milonakis

The ONLY reason I bother to watch MTV. Good for someone with a weird and random sense of humor.

I heard Andy Milonakis is actually 28 YEARS OLD!!!

by New Jersey Devil July 19, 2005

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Uncle Andy

An infamous computer hacker distinguished by his bad sense of humour.

Rumoured to be working at Falcon Northwest as an Engineer who has made a name for himself by hacking MMORPG accounts.

Current listing of hacks as presented by Andy himself;
-Guildwars 2 beta
-Call of duty: modern warfare
-World Of Warcraft
-Eve online
-Starcraft 2

Uncle Andy got'cha

by Anders Panders December 18, 2010

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Andy Milonakising

When you Andy Milonakis someone or are Andy Milonakising; it means to climb through their TV, or video chat camera and beat the living shit out of them.

P.S. if your feeling up to it, after beating the shit of them open your mouth and make 20,000 pieces of corn candy fall out of your mouth onto that fuckers floor!!

"watch out that for that guy he'll be Andy Milonakising you into next week"

"Im gonna be Andy Milonakising you just you wait"!!!

by Frosty nips the negotiator October 17, 2010

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big andy

Absolute great man usually hilarious and always puts a smile on their face ...he is the most interesting man in the world

Yo that guy is such a big Andy

by Nlevin10 July 27, 2018

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