Quelqu'un (mais pas tout le monde) qui se sent profondément mal et éjecte leurs affliction sur un pauvre papier , si le papier n'existait pas je me demande où ils etoufferont leurs mal, un vrai artiste a la capacité d'imaginer, contrairement à ceux qui copient sans aucun talent, vous fait que de l'imitation sans sens concrèt.
Jade: comment tu fais pour être une artiste!?
Moi : rien faut que je sois juste mal
let's talk about a true artist, the correct answer will always be hyunjin
Someone who expresses their feelings through any medium in a beautiful manner, be it painting, literature, dance or speech.
He spoke so beautifully about what he went through! He must be an artist!
A give-up artist is someone who consistently finds clever excuses to avoid difficult situations. They’ve mastered the art of dodging responsibilities, often convincing themselves and others with just enough reasoning to seem valid. It’s a well-practiced habit, rooted in avoiding discomfort, that’s become a way of life.
“Every time a project gets tough, Jake morphs into a total give-up artist, always coming up with reasons why he can’t push through.”
someone that greazes people a lot or is a pro at greazing.
see greaze
Matt is a greaze artist, he started dating Kari soon after his homie, Choad, broke up with her.
What I call homo-sapiens who are addicted to abscesses.
Person 1: Are you addicted to abscesses?
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1: The millenium of a make up artist to avoid perianal abscesses (Millenials)