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another word for simp

damn, you are such an avery

by averyisasimp February 22, 2021


another word for simp

damn, you are such an avery

by averyisasimp February 22, 2021


A guy with the most massive penis you have ever seen.

Guy 1: Did you see the article about the guy with a 17 inch penis?!
Guy 2: Yeah his names probably Avery

by Sub to AveryhamLincoln ⛄️ February 10, 2019


SHE IS AMAZING 🤩 She’s caring, talented, beautiful, thoughtful, determined, and I just don’t know how else to describe her 😭 but trust me, she’s a great friend. Once you meet her…never EVER let her go, that’s not a friendship to get rid of.

Jealous goofys: Why the heck does she get all the attention?!?! She’s not even worth it 🙄
Me: Hey at least she’s not a brat, bc she’s Avery<33333

by Bpjifqcrpfeceixz November 23, 2022


avery is a star, but she smells and has a pet rat. but she is the pet rat and she deserves a cold slice of pizza.

Boy: Man what is that smell, oh it's just avery and her rat and her cold slice of pizza.

by December 6, 2021


They love their game. You’d think they fuck their game because it’s so important to them. Must be nice to be loved that much.

avery loves his game more than his girlfriend

by Sucks___ August 1, 2019


A bitchy, stupid, cunt, who is only obsessed with himself

Avery is such a bitch

by Mynameischrisbutitwontletme September 20, 2020