A boss man that doesn't like safety pins but loves memes.
Look that guy is such a Phillip Bailey!
baileys opinion is usually very good. we love bailey and she is a very nice girl however sometimes she doesn't hear me out for example saying that you make cheese on toast in an oven?? and that a COB is called a BAP??? BUT ONLY ON A SANDWICH???
weird northerners.
person a: "hey! that's baileys opinion."
person b: "yes, and it's wrong."
bailey: guys i'm stood right here.
Grayson Bailey Dolan is a famous boy from New jersey he have a twin Named Ethan Grant Dolan they both have a youtube channel and upload videos every tuesdays Grayson is really hot if you se hem you are going to fall in love (ps he is good in bed OMG haha just kidding but i belive he is)
thats such a Grayson Bailey Dolan
Bailey Mulholand is another word for “crafting a fat bucket and getting a bag of weed”
Holy smokes he’s just like wee bailey how he crafts that bucket! holy crap he’s just like bailey mulholland!
That stupid girl that sits next to you in the library and hits you while other people stare at you and give you dirty looks.
Dang, that girls just won't leave me alone, what a bailey finn.
A good looking ass female with braces and glasses
bailei hollywood kno she fine asf😍