Noun: a generic term for food one eats while sitting on the toilet.
I'm going to take this corn dog with me for some bathroom bacon
Spending way to much money to a girl in an effort to get her to paint her bathroom in the most nonsexual manor.
I was at the bar and bought this chick 5 drinks and subbed to her but she still won't do a painted bathroom.
When you walk into the restroom but you walk out with a peanut butter sandwich
"Bro i just took a fat shit and when I walked out i had these two bathroom sandwiches, bruh theyre so good."
The skanks at your highschool who skip class and lunch to vape in the girls bathroom. Mfers who think the girls bathroom is for smoking bubblegum flavored cancer instead of pissing.
I was trying to use the main building bathroom today and when I went to pee those bathroom dweller bitches had taken up all the stalls hiding.
when you and your roommates smoke weed in the bathroom because your landlords are assholes and don't let you smoke in the backyard
Roommate 1: "Hey guys wanna hit the bathroom shuffle?"
Roommates 2, 3, & 4: "Fuck ya!"
What you do when you are single and broke
I am currently tripping in the bathroom good sir.
A person known to spend most of their day stuck in the bathroom doing heroin. Also known as being diagnosed with a Tinfoil disorder.
Hey man have you seen my girlfriend? You mean the bathroom junkie, she has been in there for 5 hours, and she took my tinfoil.