Beans, pinto or black, carried in a pouch used to distract an opponent
*throws decoy beans* " I was utterly distracted by these beans my opponent has escaped"
A way to describe someone who owns or is ownage. Originated from a kfc tower defence when the baked beans tower is upgraded.
I'll just upgrade this tower... AND NOW THEY'RE OWNAGE BEANS!
A kind, typically small individual who is able to sweeten people's days by simply being around them, either through their sheer cuteness or their ability to bake a delicious treat.
I was walking home yesterday when I saw a girl drop her icing container. When I picked it up and gave it back to her, I noticed she was a fudge bean.
A Catholic Priest that likes 10 year old boys, especially in trailer parks.
A name given to your boyfriend/girlfriend or someone that is just generally really cute
Phil is everyone's favourite angel bean
He is like a ray of sunshine, he's such an angel bean
another name for vagina, the bean being the clitoris.
i had a sharp shooting pain in my bean holder.
i'm going to get in my bean holder tonight and flick my bean.