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Big dick daddy

A nigga wit a big ah cock

Hey Kyle
Yo big dick daddy

by Isleptwiturdad January 6, 2022

Big dick daddy

A male who gives you an abundance of pleasure.
One who you feel the need to call daddy

Whoo wee, chris.meade is my big dick daddy, he almost knocked the bottom out!

by Ruthanne199 August 9, 2021


a person with a BIG DICK DADDY

DAB me up BIG DICK DADDY hell ya.

by kiss my dick April 12, 2022

big dick daddy

a person named Francisco, Yahir, Damian, and there hot

hey have you seen Francisco, Yahir and Damian?

ofc there such big dick daddys

by beggyweggy May 16, 2022

big dick diaz

A guy who has a big ass mother fucking cock and is good at pleasing your girl.

Big dick Diaz is that your 8in dick!!!

by Diaz(: 8=======D March 20, 2017

big dick jr

When your dad has a big dick and he passes it down to you, therefore you are now known as big dick jr

Dad: Hey son, you get any pussy?
Son: Of course daddy, After all i am Big dick jr
Dad: How was it?
Son: She had lizard lips.

by The King named Alex March 17, 2014

big dick barrundum

1: the situation where you cant deal with a big dick.

2: with you get barraged by big dicks.

damn, piper perri just got big dick barrundumed.

by the man, the myth, the leggend February 28, 2020