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bus blind

The condition of not seeing public transit, specifically the bus, as a viable option for commuting to and from or around a city or metropolitan area.

All of the local media outlets covered parking & driving directions to reach the downtown jazz festival but not one mention of transit because they are bus blind.

by transitdad June 27, 2018

Super blind


Kayla is super blind

by Hey besties lol September 28, 2021

acquired blindness

becoming attracted to someone or something after an initial encounter where there was no attraction

"Whoah, what happened to him?"
"He's got acquired blindness for that girl Amy. She's fricken ugly."

by Nately's Whore's Kid Sister November 4, 2011

hair blindness

When your long hair blows in your face, causing you momentary blindness

See also: "second-hand hair blindness"

When your long hair blows in your friend's face, causing them momentary blindness.

And: "hair gagging"

When your long hair blows in to your mouth, causing gagging.

On a windy day...

Guy: "what's the problem?"

Gal: "Pfffft ! I'm suffering from hair blindness!"

by pchops May 30, 2011

Blind feet

A term used when someone has a habit of accidentally smashing their toes or tripping over things, mainly used in the Caribbean.

Maurel you really need to look where you're going, do you have blind feet or something?

by Just Roy February 15, 2022

Blind Snowstorm

The threshold after an orgasm in which a man can either keep the pole hard or get a deflated sock puppet.

He was able to make his way out of the Blind Snowstorm and continue on for another 30 minutes.

by BaconBlitz March 2, 2018

Cankle Blindness

When a person likes another person so much that they can look past their cankles or even find beauty in them. Common in love-struck teens.

He's got it bad for her, man. The way he looks at her, he's got cankle blindness.

by YoungCalc June 20, 2017