A amazing dragon that lived on ClickWell's stream and he killed it.
Brad is amazing and loves eating tacos with Eli.
The guy who finished your last juul pod, the guy who plays gods plan 10 times at a party, the kid who leaves his house with all Patagonia on.
The male equivalent of "Karen." Essentially a man who is critical of progressive views, rude to people in the service industries, among other similar behaviors.
"Hey honey, could you get the manager for me? This salmon is cold," Brad to a waitress. "Sir, it's smoked salmon, you fucking Brad," the waitress says as understanding she just lost her $2.13 tip.
Hes a nice guy , extremely overweight , and usually a huge geek for superheros and stupid stuff . Can be funny but sometimes you just think shut up you fat whopper. He's probably nice too girls and then everybody think he has thousands of girls . Racist,sexist,homophobic and basically really annoying . Also he's probably suicidal from time too time . He loves his family and kids and enjoys work as a plumber or some kind off high wage job
Brad is a fat , Simp of a twat