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put the bricks to

To have good sex with someone. Referring to a man's balls

Yea dog, we went out to dinner then went back to her place and I put the bricks to her.

by PrimeB April 2, 2006

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Brick With Benefits

An Itouch before it is Jailbroken. This is a play on the fact that people are afraid to Jailbreak their Itouches because of the possibility that it will be "bricked" (rendered to a state where it is useless if not used as a paperweight). Little do they know that their non-Jailbroken Itouch basically is a brick compared to what a Jailbroken Itouch can do!

Phil: My Itouch is awesome!
Joe: Nah, it's just a brick with benefits until you jailbreak it.
Phil: What is "jailbreaking"?
Joe: It enables you to download third-party apps on your Itouch or Iphone.

by Jfizzles4shizzle June 7, 2010

7๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Brick hill

A site full of horny teens and pedos.
And ocasionally fascists

Person 1: Leyla is soo hot, i think i'm gonna bust a nut
Person 2: same
Kjds: *grooms kids*
Qa1: *autistic femboy noises*
Spacebuilder: i'm a weeb uwu
Facer: facergang
Random visitor: brick hill sucks *gets banned*

by Nogurr January 20, 2022

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brick house

a women that's built from bottom up

she's a brick house, oww

by Trinity November 18, 2004

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Brick House

See also: Christina Hendricks.

She's a brick house!

by ninjablonde September 26, 2009

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shitting a brick

the state of being extreamly pissed off.

dave was shitting a brick when he found his wife screwing on the washer with the milkman.

by natas666 October 11, 2006

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the red bricks

cheap, government-subsidized housing found in midtown ajax on the northeast corner of bayly and harwood.

Come over to my buddies place in the red bricks, we're gonna watch ufc, drink beers then get into a wrestling match outside.

by mass July 11, 2005

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