This boy is one of the most fun people to be around! He will make u laugh, he loves to sing and love anime. If you find a friend named Brodie never forget him.
Discord girl: omg I meet this boy name Brodie
Discord girls friend: omg ur so lucky!!! Make to stay friends with this Brodie forever <3
A man with Blonde hair as bright as the sun and hair as long as the Canadian border. He is obsessed with Fortnite and loves dogs more than the average person. He is shy and quiet and is an excellent friend. He is extremely competitive and loves using down b moves in Super Smash Bros. A cool dude to hang out with but gets mad really easily. He has a future dream to have the worlds largest fudge factory.
Hes such a Brodie
He plays like a Brodie
You just got Brodied
His future is a Brodie
Brodie is a total mama boy, he will seem completely retarted at most times in his life. His laugh will make your heart melt, because it sounds like a goat that is dying and will make you so sad.
Brodie KYS you annoying mama boy.
An annoying child who constantly screams in your ear
‘Are you listening’
‘I can’t hear because of Brodie’
brodie is a cool guy with a small penis with a disease called blue waffle so that means that who ever sucks his dick will get aids and die
i sucked his dick now ive got aids and im about to die that must be a brodie
A man who likes to cry over his ex
Danika: Youre such a brodie you never stop talking about her
Jorja: Stop being a brodie its so annoying
Brodie is a sexy young male who has 3 kids and has been married 4 times Brodie is charming hot cute and is a daring gangster who loves ladies doing high stakes with him