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sug bug

african american.

Bobby is one cool sug bug.

by tbone1956 June 29, 2011

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bladder bugs

bladder bugs are flees on a cats bladder.
most of the time when your cat has a big bladder
which a bladder is a stomach just in tha lower area.
you can fined bladder bugs flees on a white bladder lower stomach area

omg my cat has bad bladder bugs

wow jeff your cat has bladder bugs

by bladder June 25, 2008

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Bug Z

One of the Original members of d 12. a great rapper and a great person who is respected greatly by the group. (R.I.P.)

Bug Z is, Sadly, No longer with us.

by ME!! January 22, 2005

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Jitter Bug

A name to decribe a girl who you think is sorta a bookworm, kinda cute in a mousey kind of way, and ideally wears glasses. use it in situations that cause seperation anxiety or just whenever to let somebody know you care about them. Always to be used in a affectionate manner, it is a petname like honey, sugar, cupcake, baby, etc.

Person 1:(calls person 2)
Person 2: Hello?
Person 1: Heya Jitter Bug, I miss you.
Person 2: Awwwwwwwwwwww, your the best too!

by Mopithytumryh October 30, 2008

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speed bugs

often when people are on meth or any stimulates, they will feel little creatures walking, or running across there skin.
This really is just your nerve endings being over stimulated.

I've been tweakin, so long I have speed bugs.

by goddered69 January 13, 2010

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Bug Wheels

A derogatory term used to denote cheap, slow and often flimsy second hand cars that sport an unusually small set of wheels.

Not to be confused with Bug Wheel.

Bill: What do you think? That's a handsome set of wheels, eh?
Dan: I think you mean a handsome set of bug wheels.

by YeModestMustache June 15, 2011

Bug Wheel

A phrase used to describe the odd, flimsy, damaged wheel that commonly appears in one of the wheel bays on a cheap, economy class car.

Not to be confused with Bug Wheels.

Bob: I nearly crashed into a tree yesterday!
Dan: How did you manage that?
Bob: That bloody bug wheel makes steering so difficult!

by YeModestMustache June 15, 2011