a person's breath after using Meth.
his friend could tell he was using Meth by the chemical warfare emitting from his mouth.
When players get demolished by chemicals
The players got chemicalized in the game
to dose somebody with chemicals for the treatment of a certain disease such as cancer.
Chemotherapy is a kind of chemicking process.
A person who doesn't give up chemicals completely.
I only paint my pinky finger nail to limit my chemical exposure to my body.
In choosing to only paint one finger (pinky) on each hand, I have made a chemical compromise.
Kyle: please produce the happy chemical
Brain: no fuck you here's that cringy thing you did 10 years ago
Kyle; oh god not again
Brain: ahahahaha
Kyle: please someone save me from this
Chemical Infection is a groove metal band with an aggressive sound and violent lyrics. Their first single Chase To Kill was released in June 2024 and has been growing in numbers ever since.
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Perfume, aftershave, pheromone-colognes., etc, dat "loose" humans use to hopefully "fight a better battle" in their quest for succulent sweetmeat. And yes, sometimes this practice can indeed allow you to "score" more readily, but da problem is dat you may then rely too heavily on da essential oils to maintain a gal's interest, without expending enough time/effort to actually charm her personally, i.e., to demonstrate to her how truly likeable you are on da inside. And so as a result, even though you may indeed initially "win da battle" by enticing a cutie-chick into your bed with da wonderful sensual aromas dat you'd slathered on yourself, you may still stand a good chance of "losing da war" --- after da gal's heady essential-oils high wears off, she may just slump glumly on da edge of your bed for a while to think things over, and then --- still unaware of your good/redeeming qualities because you have simply not yet given her a proper chance to truly get to know you --- just quietly slip out your door again.
In the classic “taking advantage of the priest’s ‘privileged’ knowledge about his congregation” joke, Little Tommy Shaughnessy --- in an effort to improve his currently-bleak prospects of getting laid, but not wishing to resort to chemical whorefare --- made a phony “sin of the flesh” admission at confessional, thereby tricking Father John into unwittingly revealing to Tommy the names of the “loosest” local hussies and thus letting him know which girls he’d have the best chances with.