A chronic strap lover is someone who loves to take strap, And they do it with no hesitation.
girl : “Toni is a chronic strap lover”
Toni : “I am, and I do it without any hesitation”
A person or bot who continuously targets another player or bot in-game.
John: "Daniel, this guy is such a chronic targeter!"
Daniel: "What do you mean?"
John: "He keeps targeting me, round after round!"
You have a very unhealthy obsession with memes.
You need treatment for your Chronic Memes Disorder
The need to smoke that good kush or "chronic"
Can't even fly on a plane with my brother, he's got chronic issues, needs to smoke every hour on the hour
He has 3 big balls
A11.Chronical: I have 3 big balls
Everyone else: No one gives a shit
When your doctor doesn't know the cause of your medical condition or how to make it better, but somehow knows enough to prescribe something you'll be on for the rest of your life.
Mark: Can you tell me what's causing this?
Doc: It's not really known.
Mark: Can it be cured?
Doc: Nope.
Mark: Can you give me something for it?
Doc: Definitely. Here's a prescription. It's a combination of multiflumoxytol and baffleonanon.
Mark: What'll it do?
Doc: It will reduce your flare ups from once every 10 days to about once every week and a half.
Mark: Is this a chronic condition?
Doc: You said it, unfortunately.
Mark: Should I do anything else - like with nutrition or whatever?
Doc: I wouldn't if I were you.
Mark: Why not?
Doc: It could interfere with your chronic condition.