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Core Gamer

The bastard middle child of a casual and hardcore gamer. He invests in the formers effort and cries when he dosent get the latter result

core gamer is half the wii audience

the {noob} camper in CoD

by Fourm June 12, 2010

6👍 77👎

core kid

a kid who is obssesed with the service

"Core Kid was trained in the core."

by Atera July 6, 2006

4👍 50👎

Hard Core lover

Hard Core Lover is a person (typically named Theo) who takes the initiative to blow kisses and flirts with you around the clock. If you have a long neck, you are in for a treat from the hard core lover.

"Have you met Ted before?"
"Well he is a hard core lover in math class. He always blows me kisses and caressing my neck "

by FemalKrypo April 15, 2019

common core lesbian

A female student who sleeps with a female teacher to get an A. In the United States.

Man! I really need to get A in this class. I really wish I was a Common Core Lesbian!

by Gold Star Gay October 29, 2023

Zsubb (Zsubb-Core)

Definition: An offshoot genre of former progressive-metal musicians from Stockton CA who realized that Djent sucks and is nothing more than prissy metal with Lamb of god, Coldplay, and typewriter sounds all blended together in one. Further association away from it became necessary thus becoming “Regressive-metal.” The style incorporates heavy psychedelic/90’s Seattle rock/Doom/Stoner-metal/thrash styles paired with extended range guitars in unique tunings and using palm muted rhythms with two-note minor 2nd chords to get those voluptuous “mud-flutters” (Zsubb ... Zsubb.. zsubb zsubb). The style also incorporates band-members saying “doe” often in a sentence.

“Zsup Niggy, I’m gonna go to Zsubbway in a bit doe; ya want yer Zsteak & Cheese Zsandwich with Zsourdough bread doe?”
“Hell yes, Niggle! Zsubb.. zsubb.. zsubb..”

“Shit I made a mistake on that part of the song..” “No worries Niggy, mistakes are welcomed in Zsubb; After all, your folks had welcomed their own mistake.” 😘

Zsubb (Zsubb-Core)

by Stocktonian Paradise February 21, 2021

Shin tsukimi core

Shin tsukimi-core is a trend centred around failing,being homeless,and dropping out of school.Shin tsukimi is a character known to be a failure in everything he does.

You dropped out? That is so- shin tsukimi core

by Ultimate shin July 18, 2023

johnny nguyen core

a lifestyle aesthetic based around a 5.0 gpa, having really weird uber drivers, and watching gilmore girls on the same desk space everyday after school. this also entails knowing everything and nothing about chemistry class and constantly referring to oomf on corresponding private snapchat stories. understanding johnny nguyen core goes deeper than just a hit 2006 show about rory and loralai with a side of uber eats chick-fil-a, but also goes into the mindset of someone on true demon time. a menace and a cupcake. that is johnny nguyens core.

a: did you see that guy wearing blue fuzzy slippers?
b: omg yes! that is SO johnny nguyen core!

by kaleidokiki March 4, 2022