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The name, "Finn" usually means valiant and heroic (also very hot).

Some ppl will fall in love with someone just because there name is Finn

Y/N: Hey whats your name, ugly

Finn: My name's Finn

Y/N: Marry Me

by Beany the Wise One November 2, 2022


the most unbelievably annoying russian mafia boss. Has like 4 friends and needs some sleep. Hates school

Finn was super tired at school today

by Finn_<33 September 22, 2021


Fucking legend. has a big penis
call me 666444555

Finn has such a big penis, oh my!

by Big Dong Finn June 17, 2019


From deep of the jungles in jungle arena, finn is a tarzan look a like with a big brain and small hands. He swings around on ropes and eats bananas. He has grown a strong friendship with the local monkeys and has big dreams for his apple sauce company

Finn is cool
Gah damnnnn is that finn?

by goofy goober 23 November 23, 2021


kid who likes to rizz up ducks

Yo why is Finn out of class
prolly tryna get with a duck

by womeneater18 June 8, 2023




by forkfinn April 1, 2022


A straight legend who is pretty much good at everything. He looks good, is usually quiet, but also loud at the same time. He is also really tough and will fold anyone who fuccs with him.

"Yo its finn! hes so cool. hopefully my girl isnt near by"

by Asianbitchfuccer223 September 21, 2020