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Glory Bol

The surprise act of being JO'd by a WNBA Star under the massage table in the locker room.

Did Reid tell you about the Phoenix Mercury game last night?!

No. What happened?!

Oh man, it sounded awesome! Somehow he got the ol Glory Bol during the halftime show!

by wolfmanbean June 6, 2018

morning glory muffin

The smell/taste of pussy after morning sex

I had to wash the sheets after my wife's morning glory muffin juices.

by BeefBallsagna October 19, 2022


He's pretty, kind and intelligent. He knows his worth and his standards are high. He has a few friends but loves them all. He doesn't really talk about his problems because he doesn't want others to worry about him. One would be lucky to be his girlfriend because his love is very genuine, he will spoil the one he loves. He values time with God. Overall glory is one of a kind. Cherish him.
Ohh yeah that's Glory


by Leroy_jlo November 25, 2021


she is the most beautifully structure you could hang over with her

oooh!edmund have you tried to hang over with glory

by Edraxc mchaga og July 21, 2021


Glory is the kind of person that is really sensitive. But loves her family and friends. She doesn't have many friends, but the ones she does have are like second sisters. Glory's are usually book worms. They usually have dirty brown/blonde hair, and blue eyes. She's stunning and loves God much! If you lose er shame on you. Love u lots Glory my bestiee

Ellie #bestie: isn't Glory so nice and sweet?
Rachel # bestie 2: as always!

by rmr09 August 27, 2022


Glory is the kind of person that is really sensitive. Loves her family and friends, although she doesn't have many friends but the ones that she does have are like second sisters. Glory's are usually book worms. They usually have dirty brown/blonde hair and blue eyes. She is stunning and loved dearly! Glory's love God much. If you lose her, shame on you. Love you Glory!

Friend #1: Isn't Glory so loving?
Friend #2: She treats us like sisters

by rmr09 August 27, 2022


Glory is someone who hates herself then blames others, for her wrong doing. She talks behind peoples backs for fun. Causes drama! She is mentally unstable and makes up story’s in her head to make herself look better but in reality she just a depressed little b**** that needs help immediately. Glory is a pick me girl. She’s the type of person to say that she’s “one of the boys” HA. Shes try’s to fight the girls her boyfriend swiped up on their story’s . She’s unreliable, snake , ugly , fat looking person. If you know a glory stay far away from her!

Glory: “mean dogs the person”

Person 1: omg look away glory’s coming

Person 2: did you hear glory texted her ex that has a gf.

Person 1: yes now ig glory wants to fights her

by Badbihkatlyn760 November 24, 2021