A popular battle royale shooting game aged 12+ that my friends won’t STOP BLOODY ASKING TO PLAY WITH ME.
Friend: wanna play FoRtNiTe?
Basically Minecraft with guns, cancer, camping scumbags, decade long updates and a late game where everyone has a rocket launcher. not recommended for dumbasses who like running straight into gunfire with knives that one shot people ( like COD) oyeah did i meantion that you can find miniguns in toliet bowls
what's the point calling it Fortnite when every fort you builds is going to get raped by rocket launchers?
a person with small dick disorder will play because there mom wouldn't buy them Minecraft, and where the 5 year olds say there 16 and say they where getting head while playing so they lost, and a place where autistic people find mates by screaming REEE
Tim: billy where you playing fortnite yesterday?
billy: yeah, and fucking your mom at the same time.
Cancer game that most people named Michael play
Michael: HeY gUyS wAnT tO pLaY fOrTnItE????
Gayest game ever nobody knows how to shut up about it. Like just shut uppp!
Oooooh boiisss i got them fortnite dubs lastnight!