Source Code

Bill Gates' minute

When you are installing an update or a new program, the progress bar says "one minute left" and you sit in front of the screen for five or ten waiting for it to finish....

Hey George, you leavin' or not?
I can't. This POS showed me a minute left in the bar five minutes ago...
It is a Bill Gates' minute!

by Bahamian01 April 6, 2012

Golden Gate Steamer

Used to surprise ones girlfriend for a Birthday, the Golden Gate Steamer, always performed on a Yacht, involves the act of motor boating an unsuspecting female as the boat goes under the Golden Gate Bridge. If done correctly, steam will collect on the inside of her blouse/tube-top.

Man Eric gave the best Golden Gate Steamer since Obama became President!

by overheardmarinasf August 6, 2013

Shut the front gate

A synonym for shut the front door and a useful expression for shut the f**k up without really swearing.

Person 1: Can you say the F-word?

Person 2: Shut the front gate!!

by Matthew678 March 22, 2019

Gates middle school

A lame school in Scituate, MA. Nobody gives a crap about anything but hooking up and getting wasted. There are a few kids that are nice but the total count is about 10. Most girls are sluts that will make out with anybody. Most girls wear disgustingly short shorts or jeans with rips on the thighs. Their tops are way too low cut and show much more than any guy wants to see (even the little man sluts). During the winter their uniform is uggs and a northface. Most girls are preppy bitches. Most guys only care about pot and their girlfriends.

People think they are so cool because they say โ€œmad chillโ€ or โ€œill.โ€
Most weekends are spent getting high or drunk and bragging to all of their friends.
Most people brag about bad grades such as a D-.
People here are stupid. They take craps on the bathroom floor and smoke weed in the bathroom too.
Most teachers suck but there are a few nice ones.
Most people here will:
abe a drug dealer
bbe a prostitute
cwork at McDonalds

Boy 1: did you hook up with that girl from Gates middle school?

Boy 2: Who hasn't?!

by anonymous...654321 November 16, 2010

26๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

Golden Gate Bridge

Spanning at 1.2 miles long in the San Fransisco bay,it is one of the most elegant bridges ever built. Construction started around 1933 and finish in 1937. "The bridge that couldn't be built," was finished in May of 1937.

The Golden Gate Bridge is crossed by millions of vehicles and people every day.

by blah959595959595 March 20, 2010

38๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž

golden gate bridge

a place where more people kill themselves then any place in the world.

this obviously means san francisco has the largest population of emo kids then any other place in the world

my gf dumped me, let's go to the golden gate bridge.

by online handle August 31, 2006

180๐Ÿ‘ 190๐Ÿ‘Ž

Golden Gate Bridge

The Golden Gate Bridge is a sexual position that involves two men and two women. It requires that the men are both having intercourse with the women in the "doggie style" position, while the women face each other and procede to make out. The key to this position, however, is the element of suprise. At some point during the act, one of the men (who was predetermined before the sexual engagement) gives the signal to the other man. This sign can be a code word, a wink, or something as simple as a head nod. After the signal is given, both males pull out in unison and urinate over the girls backs, while simultaniously thrusting their arms skyward with a great sense of achievement and wonder. The stream of urine arching over the backs of the women is the key to forming the "Golden Gate Bridge." If one or more of the party is not able to achieve a full stream, then the position is compromised.

Last night Mark and I almost pulled off a Golden Gate Bridge with Rebecca and Sarah, but he didn't pull off the stream! What a dick!

Michelle, I can't believe Steve and Robbie Golden Gate Bridged us!!!! Uhhh rude!!

by B.T.B. August 21, 2010

81๐Ÿ‘ 82๐Ÿ‘Ž