To become enthralled in an uncontrolable fit of laughter losing all thought processes and many fine motor skills. Usually occurs after smoking the reefer.
After seven bong rips, I looked at my friend carresing a can of tuna and started geeking out.
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You know when you have one of those friends or know someone and you just walk in his room and its like a fuck*ng sci-fi cinema with all the top gadgets
Top geeks are very protective over their equipment and will not allow others to use, borrow or handle it.
They are often anti-social and can spend days on end in their room looking at websites such as
Top geeks can often drain electricity with all their carbon technological equipment. Equipment will always include silly "gadgets" such as a wireless mouse, a wireless keyboard, a media PC, sat-nav etc etc.. Always bragging about the "new" this and that and is often buys just because of the brand e.g. Apple wow there so technologically advanced
To summarise. I think we could say a top geek is just a geek but is really on top of the game.
Top geek essentials:
Media PC
Wireless keyboard
Microsoft fanatic
Apple fanatic
Web based management system
Wireless everything
Torrent sites
Strobe lighting
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The ultimate "nerd" or "geek". Not isolated to people with limited/poor social skills but also includes those with inflated senses of self-worth which thinly mask their deep self-loathing.
King of the Geeks has both positive and negative connotation.
Positive: Leader of Sport Fantasy League who understands all of the acronyms or "leader" of a super geeky group of people. These types are harmless and fun to laugh at/with.
Negative: Unsophisticated, inarticulate, unnattractive douchebags who invariably have a permanent "chip" on their shoulder and play out their life's frustrations on unsespecting innocent targets.
King of the Geeks (positive):
Jeff: "Dude, my fantasy baseball team is DESTROYING yours! I lead the league in BA, RBI's, OBP, OPS and SLG!!!! YESSS!!!!!
King of the Geeks (negative):
Candace is an unfortunately an eye sore whose outward offense is only matched by her inward void of a cavernous chill. She lacks intelligence, motivation, a sense of humor or any other redeemable quality. Oh and she's a total BITCH to everyone and complains incessantly.
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the ultimate loser. king of dorks. wad of geeks.
What are you, geek-wads?? let's go to computer class and then play some chess!
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When two geeks start geeking out in front of you.
If you guys start geek freaking about Pokemon, I'm gonna leave.
A way to describe oneself or someone else who has an abundance of knowledge on a topic of nerdy nature.
Generally a lover of quaint things such as quiche and windowsill herbs, uses ‘an understanding of science’ to make food an re creates dishes from their favorite fictional films
A person who gets a glint in their eye when they hear the phrase “are you going to be able to explain that to me?”
They also have their own theme song parodied off a song originally performed by Rick James.
Used by British YouTube Star and Celebrity Chef Ben Ebbrell & fellow members of SORTEDfood.
“Do you laugh at maths jokes?”
“If their clever enough”
“Give me an example”
“What’s so tasty about 1.57?”
“Don’t know”
“It’s half a pie”
“You are a Super Geek”
An archaic, obsolete or outdated phrase or mode of expression, most often or exclusively used on the Internet.
- (((Rachel)))
- wtf does that mean?
- it's Ancient Geek for giving you a virtual hug.