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smash the glass

When you have finally had enough of a situation, people or a place of work and you realize that it's time to leave or retire before you do something drastic. You want to retire before you "smash the glass". Going peacefully on your own terms before you reach that breaking point where adrenaline and hulk like strength overcome you.

I have to get the hell out of this place before I smash the glass!!

by Garbal42 May 13, 2021

Glass Sock

Where a man leaves his "juices" in sock overnight and in the morning the juice is all crusty and 'glass like'
hence glass sock

Henry left his glass sock on the floor, only for his dog to start licking it in the morning.

by Cergoth November 19, 2020

Shitting on glass


The pilots landing was smooth, like shitting on glass

by Kayla Conno January 21, 2019


v. the act of not filling someone's drink to desired amount.

"Hey bro, get me some vodka."
"Ok, here's some to start."
"What're you doing, dude!? Don't half-glass is it, fill that shit up!"

"Mom, didn't I ask for a glass of Dr. Pepper?"
"Yes, I got you that didn't I?"
"No, you half-glassed it. Can I get more?"

by I Am TheOCTOPUS February 18, 2010

Isaiah with glasses

Dumb dumb dumb dumb mentally challenged with a hint of Down syndrome. He rejects facts in favor of his own stupid logic.

That Isaiah with glasses can be such a narcissist.

by Sishsiab November 18, 2019

Glass shadow

The point in life where you feel trapped and everything pulls you further back but you keep pushing forward to accomplish things that have meaning to you

These glass shadows haunt me

by Glass shadow March 20, 2018

Splitting Glass

Splitting crystal meth

Hey Jamal, Im going to be splitting glass if you want to join

by Idiotic July 3, 2013