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Gray is the most beautiful name in the world. The person who has that name is the smartest and prettiest person in the whole world .

Gray is awesome

by holyolimacaroni January 9, 2022


Gray is the best name ever and the person who has that name is gorgeous

Gray is pretty

by holyolimacaroni January 9, 2022


fakest bitch you’ll ever meet. talks shit about you one day then befriends you the next.

that person is such a gray.

by your poison November 21, 2021


He is selfless, yet he will prioritize his needs when needed to. They look for leadership and tend to stand out within a crowd. A name not used very often.

Gray's favorite animal is a llama.

by KinderManager March 16, 2017


The worst way to spell grey

It's not gray, it's grey

by ClawsOverGames March 20, 2022


Gray is someone who really hates the color Gray but still has their name to be that same color

Gray is a sassy, annoying, and loud bitch, who rambles too much about either painting or anime.

“Someone needs to tell Gray to shut the fuck up already

by GreySlays June 29, 2022


Saying something is gray means it’s boring and shit, this word is pronounced the same as the color “Grey

Shrek: This food is gray!
Lucinda: I know right.

by Butterfly Warrior July 18, 2020