A rabid hater is the opposite of a rabid fangirl/boy, who is just as annoying they drive normal fans, bystanders and rabid fans alike, they has no life, they are usually found on anime and undertale videos typing stupid sentences like "What's this weeb shit.", They want to control what people play and don't play, They are just as low as the rabid fans,
Undertale fan8: Nice video :-)
Rabid hater: OmG, you fucking faggot, you like undertale kill yourself.
Normal person that doesn't like Undertale': Shut up, you loser, you can't go around telling people what to watch, get a life
Rabid hater: WEEB! WEEB! WEEB!
Normal person: That's it, *pulls out gun* Don't look Undertale fan8
*Normal person shoots Rabid hater, and then shoot a random rabid fan*
The epitome of being a hater. A large gathering of haters or one hater just hating on everthing.
Chris Chinn is in a constant hater fest on ALyssa and Amy because they have way more swag than him.
A girl so bitter that she has to boost her own self-esteem by bringing down ALL of her friends. But she still loves them.....in some weird way.....
Thapes: I don't like that incriminating photo of me that you showed my aunt.
Sanyu: Screw you you ugly whore.
Thapes: Your such a deluxe hater you know that
N. An individual who is too insecure to give someone else, whom is clearly dope as a kilo, their props on any social site/media.
N. A sucka'
Example: They see you doing your thang' on here, but they will die before they hit that like button. No worries, that's just how a "cyber hater" gets down.
when one says a short goodbye providing they will be back again.
seal hater Jim, Bob, everyone else who dont give a shit. call me.
A co-hater is a co-worker who hates on their colleagues. Usually the co-hater is jealous of a job well done. They are often passed over for promotion and resent those who do get promotions or other accolades. In some extreme instances, the co-hater won't acknowledge their colleagues in casual conversation.
I told Lisa about my promotion and she went co-hater on me and ignored me for the rest of the day!
>verb feel intense dislike for or a strong aversion towards the homeless. >noun 1 intense dislike; strong aversion towards hobos. 2 informal a disliked person or thing that uses exhaust pipes as load bearing walls. 3 before a noun denoting hostile actions motivated by intense dislike or prejudice due to poor hygene: a hate campaign against the bums in the woods.
-DERIVATIVES hatable (also hateable) >adjective hater >noun.
-ORIGIN Old English.
A Typical bum hater would say....
"Shut the F*&% up You Dirty Bum!"
"look at that bum, why doesnt he just get a job!"
"Ew, whats that smell!? Oh god It's that dirty bum"