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Blaine High School

A jail like building with no sunlight and barbed wire so children can’t escape. The teachers are rude asl and no one likes each other. But at least we ain’t Coon Rapids!

Blaine High School is a scary place to “learn” but we should be grateful that we arnt at Coon Rapids cause that schools ghetto asf

by CullenKorth November 15, 2019

Herkimer High School

Welcome to Herkimer High school located in the rapidly financially declining Herkimer New York. As you walk into this high school you have a good chance of catching a fight in one of our extremely crowded hallways. As you walk into one of our bathrooms you will automatically be hit my the smell of mango juul pods and diarrhea from the school lunches. When you open your stalls you will most likely see at least 5 kids crowded over a toilet doing hardcore drugs. You can meet our staff when you walk into their classrooms and see them having full blown mental breakdowns due to the many idiotic students at Herkimer where many think bullying is a form of humor. You have a good chance of being harassed by many of the students or even flat out ignored by the staff when you ask for help. You will most likely be screwed over by their horrible education system. You will meet many of the teachers who cannot either teach or let alone get along with the students. The wonderful people running the school seem to ignore the requests of the firing of these teachers because they’re too worried of losing money rather than their students well being. Anyway welcome to Herkimer High school where many dreams come to die!

You’re from Herkimer High school wow you must be retarded!

by I<3NewYork July 20, 2019

Beal High School

Beal high school is a school located in redbridge it has a reputation for being neeky and everyone that goes there ends up either a drugy or a bin man or more famously a slag. Most people that go to Beal High School are disabled even though they have a whole block dedicated to disabled people ‘BCS’ but it looks like they already have one housing 3500 criples. With Beal High Schools disgusting brown uniform you can spot them from inside your toilet after a nice shit.

GIRL: “I swear stacys moving to Beal High School?..”
GIRL 2: “Yh also heard she had tourretes”
GIRL: “makes sense

by Ajajsnnensnanana May 23, 2021

Greenbrier High school

95 % of the kids are inbred, the other 5 % are also inbred

I go to Greenbrier high school, I want to fucking die

by Dickwack69 September 14, 2018

HSE High School

Shittiest school where everyone thinks they're so cool. Super white washed and racist and flat out fucking rude. You can't talk to a white popular girl without them taking a massive shit on you. Just being a younger age allows older bitches to make a fuck of you whenever the fuck they want.

HSE High School is so shitty!

by iloveindians6969 September 6, 2022

Moulsham high school

This is the school where the occasional students ask random girls if they can finger th and then get beaten up twice by thirteen people

Yo what happened at that park near Moulsham high school?

Some kid got banged by 13 man for hitting a girl

by Aidan.1-0. MrMason May 10, 2020

LSA high school

A British secondary school located in Lancashire known for being tough and ‘ard. Boomers and Chavs alike accumulate the school grounds and it isn’t uncommon to witness the sight of a student either smoking in the toilets, jumping someone else or writing their name with a compass on the science desks. The teacher’s are a giant meme to the student’s and PWH, MRO, APR, GLE are just meme machines.

A: “that kid appears to have been been smeared in shit”

B: “oh he just attends LSA high school”

A: “Explains a lot”

by Castelii January 2, 2020