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i fna

I fna is a word commonly used by teenagers on Youtube and "Minecraft Websites" It is an abbreviation for I am a fan of yours, or i admire you.

I Fna CaptainSparklez

I Fna The Urban Dictionary

by TheAmazingFna March 11, 2014

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K-Diamonds (Korean A.R.M.Y) gave this nickname for BTS’ international fans. Because International A.R.M.Ys and Korean A.R.M.Y have this wonderful and adorable relationship, that’s why I-Lovelies cherish this nickname so much and why it means so much .

I-Lovelies loves K-Diamonds and BTS soo much

by MajijoyBTS March 21, 2018

99πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


A stupid fucking website that makes kids want to commit suicide. Whoever made this website is a gay fuck that lives in his asshole because he obviously can'T FUCKING SEE THAT KIDS ARE SUFFERING BECAUSE OF HIM.

teacher," were doing i-ready

every kid in the class," can we go and kill ourselves.

by iready January 22, 2020

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I Be Swimming

Expressing extreme happiness.

Guy 1: β€œHow are you feelin’?”
Guy 2: β€œI’m happy as hell, I Be Swimming!”

by McFlossing April 8, 2019


vt.: To de-program an information addict by temporarily removing all of his or her computers from the premises

n.: the de-programming of an information addict by temporarily removing all of his or her computers from the premises

The teen's parents nearly mistook his darting eyes and undecipherable speech for schizophrenia or excessive pot smoking, but after a comprehensive examination of his computer activities, they determined he needed to be i-toxed.

by V. Cummings August 2, 2006

i getchu

An alternate, slang term for β€œI get you”. Typically a laid back statement.

β€œI’m so fed up with him today”
β€œGirl, I getchu.”

by GrammarEmo December 31, 2018

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I forgor

The definition?? I forgor πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€

β€œWhy is our child in the backseat?? It’s 100 degrees!!”

β€œI forgor πŸ’€β€

by Buttertruffle Supreme December 11, 2021