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A Jump-Fucker is a person, usually around the ages of 13 to 16, who jumps around on an FPS game to avoid being shot, especially on maps with some kind of jump boost. It's considered some kind of strategy, jumping around like a fucking cocaine-devouring rabbit. While Jump-Fucking makes you a harder target to hit, it also makes you one of the most annoying kinds of players, along with spawn killers and campers. It is also possible to develop ADHD while performing this disgraceful strategy.

Jon: George, you only got two kills that round. What happened?

George: Those damn Jump-Fuckers, man. It's like trying to shoot a flying slinkie.

by Polque Wobnod June 15, 2016

Jumping skills

The unusual skills a young child develops to complement their running

“Always use your jumping skills“ Little Fred said as he ran, skipped and then jumped in the air like a demented rabbit

by Smelly Bones Fishcake December 14, 2019

hyper jump

A moment of clarity during drunken fun.

Chad was hammered riding that skateboard until it flew out from under him. He hyper jumped for a split second in order to save himself from a serious injury.

by nexttech June 20, 2011

Mia Jump

When a girl kisses you without your consent, and promptly sprints away like a scooby doo villain.

I was walking with my gut last night and she Mia jumped me

by Nig pig March 16, 2019

Jumped To Hyperspace

1. When you, a friend, or whatever leave a place in a hurry; mostly to avoid someone, something, or avoid getting caught.

Upon seeing the cops coming toward his house, Sam ran outside and Jumped To Hyperspace.

by Venator1229 October 17, 2010

Jump streams

Literally jumps with the rhythm of a stream. The mapper probably got an aneurysm when he made that.

-hey look at my amazing 10 star map xdd
-bro that full screen jump streams look insane, i will send your map to every osu streamer

by wiwit October 24, 2019

bethesda jump

When the player in a Bethesda Softworks RPG decides the best route to the next objective is over a mountain, calling for the trademark jump.

"Fucking hell man, Rorikstead is just over this mountain... Screw the path, I'll just Bethesda Jump over it"

by MLGEESUS November 30, 2015