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She’s amazing, but gives Alvaro a lot of hard time

Alvaro: hey Katie; white is not a color
Katie: it’s your point of view man

by Muthakashicase October 20, 2021

1👍 1👎


Katie a Katie is a person who is completely fake she steals everyone’s boyfriends she can’t deal with her ex’s moving on, see has a few close friends but most people try to avoid her. She has brown hair and green earthy eyes.

Uhhh she stole her bf she’s such a Katie 🙄

by hollywb May 18, 2019

1👍 1👎


So gorgeous she’s absolutely perfect even though she thinks she’s not I can’t stop thinking about her she’s so beautiful I can’t comprehend it she’s the definition of a perfect human being I love her so much I’ll never forget her

I love Katie

by Grizz420 May 8, 2022

1👍 1👎


A Scottish cunt whom is often mistaken for a celebrity and has lots of friends and is very popular on the Internet.

Person: Hey, have you responded to all of your DMs yet?

Me: Nah fam I'm too Katy for that

by AnAmericanTwat February 16, 2016

3👍 8👎


ugly fuck

katie is ugly

by littledickyisnotgood April 17, 2017

3👍 7👎


The annoying one.
Swears like a feud, beats up people up to twice her age, is average height and quite pudgy.
Does far more harm than good.
Has an extremely bossy best friend, who might even be as annoying as she is, and another friend who curses almost as much as she does.
She will drag people around by their hair, give you the middle finger for no goddamn reason, and has a more physically attractive sibling than her.
Is destined to end up in an insane asylum/juvenile prison/jail with her friend(s).
Will insult you and your intelligence...even though she herself has very little of it.

*Rolls eyes* "Katie, shut the hell up."-Older sibling
*facepalm* Shut the fuck up.

by DontEvenThinkAboutIt. October 18, 2013

8👍 28👎



Ayeee did you see dat gurl wit da donk? Musta been a Katie!

by shawtysosexii October 25, 2010

14👍 52👎