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A minion, kinda looks like a yellow sausage, wears overalls, and has a bunch of his minion friends.

he also has 2 buddies in the movie called "Minions" and those buddies are named Bob and Stuart

Kevin talks funny!
I like the way he sounds, too. his voice sounds funny too!

by xxSuper_Pooper2009xx October 28, 2017

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To act like a nonce

Stop being a Kevin...

(stop acting like a nonce)

by SCRees September 6, 2019

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Kevin is Gay and his mom is a whore

by Kevinsmomisawhore October 15, 2019

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Kevin is a man who is part of the KKK and likes to go by the name of Pablo Jr who likes to fuck 80 year old men.

*Kevin fucks 80 year old man*
Kevin: Welcome to the KKK

by Yeety McYeeters November 12, 2019

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A dad who's a failed sports person so they put all their energy into their children's games.

That man yelled at my 9 year old for not getting a goal, what a fucking Kevin.

by madebyfire October 18, 2020

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Some queer as nigga that only plays games and eats.

Man the nigga such a Kevin.

by NiggaBean 2.0 August 5, 2019

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Kevin is a heart breaker. He broke my heart. I loved him more than anything in the world. He is fake and changes depending on who he is around. He is so hard to resist. He’s funnier than anyone you’ll meet. He can be the sweetest person or the biggest asshole. he’s got eyes that will brighten up your whole life, and has a presence that you crave when he’s gone. He is a GIANT hoe and not loyal at all, but you love him so much, you’ll stay with him. Biggest fuckboy on earth, and he also tries too damn hard. Overall, he’s great but he’s intolerable as fuck.

fuck kevin

by breebabbyy16 September 8, 2019

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